Family Research Services

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quality services by Professionals in Genealogy

In IAGS we offer you the best services you can find in genealogy. Our team is continuously trained and yearly examinations are given to our personnel demonstrating high theoretical and practical research abilities. Our personnel has written books, participated in seminars, on-site training and done extensive research in Europe and America.

We require also that our personnel:

  •  Attend twice a year a genealogical seminar, course or similar of a recognized institution. (E-courses and similars are valid) and present a:
  •  Case of investigation, a book written during the period of examination, Webinars or Congresses.
  • Adhere to our Code of Ethics.

Ours are the only Genealogists recognized to review and sign the evaluation of the Ascendancy Certificates. We are committed to deliver you a satisfying experience with us, good and clear communication, and the highest quality in family research by complying with the goals established.



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Start with an evaluation of the project by calling us at or writing an e-mail to

We will review your information, requirements, goals and deliver you a proposal of costs. The hour of research is €80. The work begins after the client approves the hours needed.

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After you approve the hours needed we deliver in 24 h the research plan aligned with your goals that include dates, activities and deadlines.

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The hours of research mentioned in the cost begin at this point. IAGS does not use hours of research for research plans, meetings between the team or assembling the documentation. All these points are included within the cost.

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You will receive a detailed and professional report with our findings that include a genealogical tree, a family report, a kinship report, ahnentafel report, digital copies of the records obtained and a narrative report with information of your ancestors.

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What is Genealogy? 

Genealogy is defined as the study of families, tracing their lineages, origins and history. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it succinctly as the study of family ancestral lines.

where are you based?

Portugal and Germany.

why hire the services of iags?

Our genealogists have at least 10 years of experience with professional cases including difficult ones and sometimes discovering information that has been made into books. We have major experience in Quality Management Audits which has proven useful in the field of family research and how to deliver a high quality service. We base our research in primary sources specially those hard to find documents or those that are not available online. We have more than 10 years of experience in the palaeography of documents from the 15th century onwards.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]